Friday, December 30, 2016


I'm excited to start a new blog for the New Year, and am walking through a wonderful preparatory goal-setting week based on a lovely series over at

While God has done so much for me (and in me!) in 2016, and while I've been meeting business goals, and while my children are hanging in there, I've realized in a stark, impossible-to-ignore way that I need to re-prioritize most areas of my life.

I lack peace in many ways, but by God's grace and through learning from brave women who are following Him, I'm determined to walk towards it in the coming weeks and months.

I'm inspired to record my process of "walking towards peace" in this public arena in order to give myself more opportunities for accountability and input, and perhaps to be a small light to someone else who is floundering as I am.

Today is the last day of this goal-setting week, and I'd like to share here my 2017 Goals! I'm sure I'll refine and reword somewhat over the coming weeks, but here they are - a little raw, but totally from my heart.

GOAL 1: My first goal is to walk through this year and re-organize/re-prioritize my life according to what is eternally valuable.

Why? I need to thoughtfully determine which of my personal activities need to stay, and which need to be "farmed out" (ok, honestly, that pun was intended).

Positive effects: When I am not trying to wear "all the hats" at once, I will less frantic and panicked inside which I believe will transform my ability to really focus and be present in my family relationships and in my personal commitments. I will be less prideful so I'll be more obedient to God which I believe will change me in ways I haven't even imagined yet!

How I will feel at the end of this year having made progress on this goal: I am sure I will feel healthier physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Regardless of how the business does, I will feel successful.

Starting Steps: I think a glut of the work for this will happen in the next few weeks as I evaluate and make decisions, as I ask for and hire help, as I talk through so many aspects of it with my husband, Steve, and as I discipline myself to spend significant time praying about decisions. I don't expect to make a list and them follow a formula, however. This will be a long, careful process of walking through the year and re-evaluating what I do, changing habits and rhythms, and praying through my routines and projects. It might even take me more than a year to make these changes!

How I will know I accomplished or made progress on this goal: I will be enjoying life, not just functioning and running frantically from one responsibility to the next. I will not be treating my family as a responsibility while my mind is racing to the other pressing commitments and my face is wearing a thin veil of a smile. My mind will be peaceful, and so will my heart and the pace of my life.

Encouraging words: 1 Peter 4:8-11 (ESV)
Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins. Show hospitality to one another without grumbling. As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace:  whoever speaks, as one who speaks oracles of God; whoever serves, as one who serves by the strength that God supplies—in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ. To him belong glory and dominion forever and ever.

How I will celebrate at the end of 2017: To me this is the most fun part of the goal setting series! How fun to work towards an accomplishment that is itself super-rewarding and then to plan a little party on top of it all!!! Right now this is my plan, although I'm holding it loosely and am totally open to it changing: We have so enjoyed extending hospitality to others in past years, but slowly over the past 3-4 years we've really diminished this part of our lives. It is more accurate to say that it is I who have diminished it, because I've let fear and pride and a frantic, overburdened pace slowly pull the joy of hospitality away. SO - I would like to plan a big, messy, laughter-filled, relaxed, and sweet New Year's Eve party for next year.  Doing it this year feels sadly but absolutely impossible to my too-full (and prideful) self, but if I accomplish this goal I think it will not be overwhelming but will be a sweet and delightful capstone to the year.

GOAL 2: My second goal really hinges on being successful in the first goal.  I plan to say yes to help in the areas I need it most.

Why? I want to be able to say yes to things like: 1. being with my family distraction-free, 2. consistent & purposed quiet time, and 3. healthy self-care.

Positive effects: Better personal health, children and Steve feeling more treasured, business growth stemming from trusting others' gifts and talents to not just replace but really to enhance my own.

How I will feel at the end of this year having made progress on this goal: I think I will feel more loved and more loving - as if our family has grown larger, because I suspect the helpers I learn to trust will grow into extended family members! I am sure I will feel less frantic and scattered, more focused on the tasks that do fall to me. I hope I will feel significantly more well-rested.

Starting Steps: Well, I think I need to start with the starting steps of Goal 1, and then purpose to say YES to at least two of the many offers of help which so graciously come my way.  We receive many offers of farm help from the local community, and I will purposefully plan an activity that implements these generous folks' help, as well as say yes to at least one dear person from my church family who offers to help me personally. In the long run, I want to add people to our farm team who possess some of my same strengths so that I will be more faithful to hand off significant responsibilities.

How I will know I accomplished or made progress on this goal: I will be receiving help, not grasping at pride to "do it all," not feeling that everything is urgent and must be handled by ME.

Encouraging words: Psalm 90:12 says "So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom."

How I will celebrate at the end of 2017: These two goals are inextricably linked, and so I'm going to link the celebrations. I want to include our helpers in the New Year's celebration, and I'm not sure exactly how yet, but I want to do something very special for them that night!

I'm imagining how I'll feel in one year on New Year's Eve 2017, if I've even made a small amount of progress on these goals. I am determined to be intentional about living life with these goals in mind, to ask God to keep them in my mind as I live life over the next 12 months, so that not just next year, but when I am old and gray my life's trajectory will have been a sweet scent of encouragement and peace to my children and husband, friends and neighbors.